Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Audience Appeal

Karrisa and I say the thesis is clear and specific because we both put the same thesis and our evidence supports our thesis. The author uses examples throughout the story and backs them up with names and sources and book titles.For example he quotes,"Daniel Pink" and his book title.We relate to the story thinking college isn't for everyone and that if you want to be a doctor or a specific career you should go into college. He states college is expensive and we as the reader can relate because we college students know how expensive it has been so far.

College is a waste

Paragraph 1: thesis
"I believe higher education is broken."
Paragraph 4: 
"....Roksa say that 36 percent of college students showed no improvement in critical thinking."
Paragraph 6:
"We are the disruptive generation creating the "free agent economy" built by entrepreneurs, creative, consultants, and small businesses envisioned by Daniel Park in his book, A Whole New Mind: Why Right Brainers Will Rule the Future."
Paragraph 8:
"A major function of college is to signal to potential employers that one is qualified to work."

The conclusion is in paragraph 10 stating that people who don't go to college are low lives with no strive to better themselves and further their education.Refutation is used in the 9th paragraph and he states how he encourages his peers to take the opportunity to take classes. He says if you want to go into the medical field you should go into school to learn more about it.

The author appeals to his audience as trying to tell them what's best for them. Throughout the article they say how they encourage people to consider other paths other than college. He gives examples with people in college and people who aren't. He states that if you aren't in college you can be just as smart as someone in college its what you do with being smart is what makes you successful.


 All four video's tell us how crazy this whole trump case is going. All four videos gives us kind of of a annoyed attitude coming off. Tomi Lahrens says she just wishes the crocks to come forward so we can move on because they are going to get caught anyways. All videos gives us information about the case and who said what and how they are going to resolve the problem. They use first names and last names and when they say they heard something from somewhere they say where they got it and where they heard it from.

About Me

My name is Kirsten Nicole Laughlin. I am 18 years old, about to be 19 February.4. I want to be a special ed teacher for any grade preferably high school. I recently played softball, after 10 years I decided it was time to hang the glove and cleats up. My favorite food is mac and cheese and chicken fingers. My favorite color is pink or purple. My favorite thing to do is lay in my bed light candles turn my heated blanket on and watch Netflix with my dogs. I am currently watching American Horror Story and just want to say I love it. I am the oldest child out of three. I have 2 younger brothers Matthew is in 8th grade and Logan is in 5th grade.